Women’s Ministry / WMU
Join the women of New Hope for an evening bible study, where we talk about events and stories from the Word of God, discuss missions and outreach, and help mentor each other to become…
Join the women of New Hope for an evening bible study, where we talk about events and stories from the Word of God, discuss missions and outreach, and help mentor each other to become…
Join the Men’s Ministry for an evening bible study, where we talk about events and stories from the Word of God, engage in theological discussions, and help mentor each other to become greater men…
Join the Men’s Ministry for an evening bible study, where we talk about events and stories from the Word of God, engage in theological discussions, and help mentor each other to become greater men…
Building Fund Luncheon Fundraiser, hosted by the Youth Departments & the Men’s Ministry!
YEC has been rescheduled for the Youth Group! We will be meeting at the Church at 9:00 am on Sunday, 03/13/22. Please see Makaela Bagwell for any remaining food items needed or for questions.
There’s still time to register for the Extraordinary Women’s Conference in Tulsa! Cost is $49.50 which includes lunch and New Hope is paying ½ of the total cost. For more information, please contact Teresa…
New Hope Hosted Student Luncheon for students of the TCC Baptist Collegiate Ministry – West Campus in Berryhill. Volunteers for food preparation, serving and clean–up will be needed. Donations to help supply the food will…
Join us to celebrate our 27th anniversary! With performances by guest band “Restored.”
Valentine’s Day Party for the adults. We will be serving barbecue and playing games! Anyone is welcome to come, singles or couples.
Men’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry